PCB power circuit breakers are a modern solution for protecting power grids, providing current flow in normal mode, automatic tripping in the event of short circuits, overloads or critical voltage drop, as well as rapid switching on and off of network sections. The devices are designed for operating voltages up to 400 V and rated currents in the range from 16 to 1600 A.
Advantages of PCB circuit breakers:
- Easy installation of additional devices.
- Complete set of accessories: adapter busbars or cable lugs (depending on the size), interphase partitions, set of screws and nuts.
- Possibility of DIN-rail mounting for PCB-32 and PCB-33 models.
- Operation in any position without changing the characteristics.
- Flexible connection: via upper or lower terminals.
Technical characteristics:
- Rated voltage: 400 V.
- Mains frequency: 50 Hz.
- Number of poles: 3.
- Degree of protection: IP-30.
- Housing type: cast.
- Disconnecting capacity: 25-35 kA.
- Current range: 16-1600 А.
Choose PCB circuit breakers for reliable protection of your electrical networks!